What is it?
This is a way of monitoring prostate cancer where the aim is to avoid unnecessary treatment and the treatment side effects. The rationale is to avoid treatment side effects and treatment in men where curative treatment may not be appropriate.
Who is it for?
- Men unsuitable or unfit for curative treatment
- Men with no cancer related symptoms
- Prostate cancer treatment unlikely to increase life expectancy
What does it involve?
This will involve regular review with your prostate cancer surgeon. This may involve one or more of the following:
- Review of your symptoms if any
- Regular PSA
What are the advantages
- Avoid treatment related side effects
- Less impact on daily life and quality of life
- Avoid scans and biopsies
- Treatment can be started if you develop any symptoms
What are the disadvantages
- Uncertainty about cancer may cause anxiety
- Cancer may grow more quickly than expected
Will I need treatment in the future?
This is difficult to answer exactly but it is possible that you will need future treatment. This will depend on your general health and how your cancer behaves in the future.
What treatment would i be offered if required?
This would involve injections usually into the abdomen of hormones which decrease your testosterone and therefore shrink and control the grow th of the cancer. We may sometimes also offer radiotherapy.