What is it?
This involves complete removal of the prostate,the seminal vesicles and part of the water pipewhich runs through the prostate. The water pipeis then re-connected to the bladder. The lymphnodes are sometimes also removed.
What are the surgical options?
- Laparoscopic (key hole) or robotic
- Open
What does surgery involve?
The procedure will be performed under a generalanaesthesia. You will either have a series of smallincisions (laparoscopic/robotic) or a medium sizedsingle incision. The prostate, seminal vesicles with/without the lymph nodes will all be removed. Thebladder will then be re-joined to the water pipe. Wewill try to preserve the nerves which control yourerections; however this is not always possible. Adrain and catheter will be left in place. The drain isusually removed after 24-48 hours. The abdomenwill be closed with dissolvable stitches.
How long will i be in hospital?
You will normally go home after 1-5 days.
What can I expect after discharge?
You will be discharged with a catheter (tube whichdrains the bladder). The catheter will remain inplace for approximately 10 days to protect the newjoin between the bladder and the water pipe. It isimportant that if you have any problems with thecatheter, it is only manipulated or changed by aprostate surgeon or a member of their team. Thecatheter may leak occasionally and you may noticea slight red tinge in your urine which is normal.It is normal to experience swelling and pain aroundthe stitches; this may require simple pain killers. Inaddition your bowels may not open for a few daysbut this can be managed by simply increasing yourfibre or sometimes using gentle laxatives.You should avoid heavy lifting for 6 weeks.It’s important that you start pelvic floor exercisesprior to your surgery and resume these once yourcatheter has been removed. This is to reduce therisk of urinary leakage and may help with recoveryof your erections.You will be given injections to continue for 28 daysafter your surgery. This is to thin the blood andreduce the risk of getting clots in the legs.
What are the possible complications?
men production during orgasm (thereforeyou will be unable to have children naturally)
- Erectile dysfunction
- Penile shortening
- Penile curvature
- Painful orgasm
- Leakage of urine during sexual intercourse
- Leakage of urine
- Incomplete cancer removal requiring furthertreatment
- Leakage of urine from new join betweenbladder and water pipe
- Scarring (called stricture) at new join•Infection requiring antibiotics
- Collection of fluid from the lymph vesselswhich may require the re-insertion of a drain
- Need to convert to an open procedure
- Injury to nearby structures (rectum)